Saturday 26 November 2011

Todra Gorge

After Casablanca we headed off to Todra gorge for a day of hiking. In order to get there, we needed two full drive days with a bush camp in between. It is still raining, and much to our surprise we even drove through a section of snow! When we got to the bush camp it absolutely poured down rain and we all hung out in the Truck except the cook group for that night. Graham, Steve,& Ron really deserve credit for an excellent meal, prepared in the cold driving rain!

The day the crew went hiking, I chose to go explore closer to the hotel, made friends with the local vendors and got all dressed up in a Saharan head scarf! I am going to have to buy one of these to wear on the truck in the sandy desert. I didn't buy this one because the quality wasn't super great but had a really fun day!

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