Saturday 26 November 2011


Come time for Casablanca and my new favorite word is "Upgrade." I know in a few weeks time there will be no opportunity for hotel rooms or hot showers and it has been damn cold here. So again, we got a room to enjoy. It has been raining for days and my attitude failed me because I needed to do laundry and there was no way to get anything dry! I was getting pretty miserable... Imagine ME wanting to do laundry! In the end, I paid to have it washed and a friend offered to hang it all up for me while I went in to explore the town the next day. As it turns out, there isn't much to see in Casablanca. There is a restaurant/cafe that capitalizes on the movie "Casablanca" that wasn't even filmed here and a really big mosque right at the edge of the Atlantic ocean. I spent a small fortune on a good meal at the cafe and took some photos of the mosque. The rest of the day was spent truck guarding. ( 3 people always stay with the truck to make sure we aren't robbed).

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