Monday 28 November 2011


Marrakech is magical! I cannot even think of the words necessary to describe it's vibrancy. The main square is full of everything you can imagine... snake charmers, monkeys, transvestite dancers, fresh orange juice and food stalls. You can eat brains & sheep heads, pet snakes or just stand in the midst of it all and soak up the life of the place. Standing over the square on a rooftop terrace was an experience I will never forget. A moment where everything just fell away and I could just BE, present in the moment. The chaos of the square takes your breath away and you feel as though you are a part of something greater... I have no words to explain it, I'm speechless! The souk, just off the main square was full of beautiful scarves, tagines ( cooking pots used locally) and tea pots of all colors. We found a peaceful rooftop terrace with a view of the mountains and took a break from the craziness of the square by wandering down the small streets around the main square. The whole time I was here, I was thinking of my Auntie Jean who had tried to explain this place to me. Now I understand her excitement for me to discover the city, and also her lack of words to explain just what it is like! And no.... I did not eat the heads and the brains but other people in the group did! We did however have an excellent meal at one of the food stalls in the main square, the we walked around soaking up the nightlife.

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