Friday 15 June 2012

Norongoro Crater

The Ngorongoro crater is absolutely amazing! The crater has been formed mostly by volcanoes and rifts. Open grassland is the major feature of the crater floor. This grass feeds an estimated 20 000 large Grazing animals including wildebeest, zebra, buffalo and gazelles. These animals then fall prey to the lions, hyenas and other larger predators. All the animals are able to come and go from the crater but most choose to stay since food and water are plentiful. The day we drove through the crater we saw hundreds of flamingos at lake Makat. This lake is predominately soda water and had started to dry up when we were there leaving glistening patches of soda around the waters edge. Driving through the crater we were surrounded by animals! We were disappointed that mother nature didn't quite cooperate and the beautiful vistas from the craters edge were marred by fog. Unfortunately, our pictures didn't turn out as well as they could have! While we were exploring the crater we ran into a pride of lions lazing by the road. We were all very excited to see our first wild cheetahs, as well as a gazelle about to give birth! The crater was also full of thousands of zebra and buffalo! The only animal remaining is the elusive leopard!

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