Friday 8 June 2012


When we finally left Harare, we headed to the Mozambique border in transit to Malawi. We had heard many rumors of people being denied visas at the Mozambique border and were worried this may happen to us. Apparently, if the power goes out at the border they cannot issue the visas and the power is out frequently! In fact, both Mozambique and Zimbabwe claim the other is responsible for supplying power at the border and nobody seems to know where it does come from when it is there! Luckily for us, the power was on and the cranky border officials processed our visas somewhat reluctantly. we drove straight through Mozambique and headed for Malawi. During the drive, we automatically noticed we were back in the "real" Africa... Mud huts thatched roofs and water pumps. Gone were the huge super markets and modern store fronts. At the sight of this most of us were relieved and happy. The western luxuries were nice for a time, but the real Africa has an indescribable charm that really grows on you!

When we reached Lilongwe, Malawi we did hit the Spar and the Shoprite to go shopping for cook groups before heading off to lake Malawi for 4 days. In the parking lot we were swarmed by money changers and men willing to bring us "anything in the city"... for a price! One cook group ordered up some vegetables figuring this approach was easier than going shopping themselves. Well, the veggies came... $10.00 for one kilo of tomatoes! That is over half the budget we have to feed 18 people three meals a day! Of course, the group kept some of the cheaper veg and then set off for the stores. In the souvenir market, they want 15 dollars for fabric we paid 3 for in West Africa! A man told me, "Malawi is more expensive than Europe!" After heading out to the lake we found much more reasonable prices for the woodwork carvings and handicrafts that Malawi is known for. I traded off some old cloths for a few nice souvenirs! Our time at the lake was relaxing and enjoyable.

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