Saturday 10 March 2012

Nigeria - Hotels and entertainment

Our accommodations in Nigeria were also entertaining on many levels! In Abuja we stayed in the back yard of the Sheraton hotel. The camping area itself was pretty nice except for the fact that they were burning garbage right beside the path up to the hotel! When we pulled up, the manager told Kristy to have her people shower and clean up so as not to offend the other guests! I decided to stay inside the hotel with Kristy rather than walk past the trash everyday. This proved to be an excellent decision. After all, I needed a shower! We enjoyed five days of luxury, air conditioning, great food and nice surroundings. We even had a girls night and tinted our eyelashes and put on our dresses to go to a cocktail party.

In Calabar we stayed at the Paradise city Hotel. Let's just say this hotel was not paradise! My tent was an upgrade over the terrible rooms here. It was clear the hotel was functioning as a brothel and nothing more! On our first night we stayed out back in a rather nice camping area but the walk inside to the toilet was frightful after dark! Rather than staying longer as planned, we decided to go try out another hotel! The second place was clean and had a great ambiance!

On the second day, we were interviewed again by the media and were going to appear on a show called "good morning cross river". Mimi, the lady who organized this, then took the group on a city tour. I stayed back to do a visa run and go to the local market. At the market, I had a skirt made by a local tailor for less than $6.00! We also took time to enjoy the little pubs and restaurants around the hotel and got our hair braided for about $2.00. This was an excellent decision and made the hair more manageable for the stretch of upcoming bush camps. (pictures courtesy of Lisa)

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