Saturday 10 March 2012

Bad roads in Cameroon

The road from the Nigerian border at Ekok to the city of Mamfe is one of the worst stretches of roads we will encounter in west Africa. We were all really excited and eager to tackle this road, knowing full well we may have to dig out the truck! As it turned out we had mostly dry weather. the rain hit five minutes before we made it back onto the paved roads! Driving along, we passed through bog holes as big as the truck and knew instantly that the whole digging business was a romantic notion! Clearly it would have been very hard work! Our driver Nev is amazing and he navigated this road like a pro! He is used to taking this big truck down very small roads. Here you can see Kristy standing outside her door in the biggest rut we went through.

We did have one small mishap on day two and ruptured a tire. No problem of course because we have a full set of spares and lots of man power! The youngest in our truck family is Josh. He loves life on the truck and is well loved by all of us due to his willingness to participate fully in whatever comes our way! When it was time to change the tire, here was right there ready to go!

That evening, we all helped dig and fill ruts with rocks to get the truck into our bush camp location. This was also day 100 of the trip! We decided to put off celebrating until our good driver had a few days off and could join in the fun! The boys had one drink and then we all went to bed early!

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