Saturday 14 January 2012

Burkina Faso = AMAZING

On the 27th of December, after having well celebrated Christmas we headed off for Burkina Faso. In total, we were only there for six nights but what an amazing time! Our first stop was in a town called Bobo-Dioulasso were we stayed at a cool little campsite called Casa-Africa. In town we went to visit the thriving "Grand-Marche" where we did our food shopping and also took a tour of the "old town". The old town is divided in four sections, the blacksmiths, the Muslims, the Jula and the animists. Each group had a role to play in the operation of the village. The Jula for example, were the communicators and would pass messages and help resolve disputes. The animists made sacrifices for the good luck and prosperity of the village. Scattered about are sites where animal scarifices take place, you see the bloody mess left behind. We also saw the local brewery, where the millet beer is boiled in a big vat inside a firey stone oven and then we got to taste it! We also visited the mud mosque!

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