Tuesday 13 December 2011

Western Sahara / Drive days

After Essaouira we headed into a 4 day stretch of bush camping and long drive days as we crossed the Western Sahara into Mauritania. These days have been dusty if not down right dirty! The second night we bush camped near the ocean and the wind was raging like crazy! At one point in the night, I felt it lift my head off the ground and the tents were almost blowing away! The third night we slept off the main road in a gravel pit. I couldn't help but think to myself, " I am sleeping in a gravel pit in the Western Sahara desert, how on earth did this happen to little Amy from Red Deer?" .... Totally amazing!! The fourth night, we pulled the truck far off the main road and nestled in behind a sand dune. This camp was spectacular and really made for an unforgettable evening. One of those moments when mother nature takes your breath away. Driving into the sand dunes, the truck filled with sand and dust. Although some people were unhappy with the situation I couldn't help but be thrilled, this is exactly what I signed up for! Good thing for me I pulled out my saharan scarf and got it on just before the dust hit. We are going to see way more of this in the future. At the dunes, we all had fun, trying to go tobogganing wi various sleds, like the wok, a gunny sack, a shovel...whatever may have slid! Overall, the scenery in the desert was....bland except for the stretches that ran parallel to the ocean. Truck days can be pretty boring and we have all been thankful for "the beach" area on the truck where we can nap and stretch out a bit.

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