Sunday 7 August 2011

Nha Trang

We spent the last three days in Nha Trang, a beachside city about ten hours south of Hoi An via train. We arrived bright and early to the Ha Van hotel after one Terrible ride on the night train. We couldn't get births so we had to sit up in reclining chairs. This would have been okay except that the train was filthy and packed to the brim of people, smoking, screaming, one guy was even border line beating his child. When I say full to the brim what I mean is, oversold. They had added red plastic garden chairs to the aisle for a few people who had a ticket but not a proper seat! In addition, the meal trays on the seat backs in front of us would pop open and slam you in the knees every time there was a bump in the track! Luckily for us, the Ha Van hotel was delightful! We had a great breakfast on the rooftop terrace and then slept the rest of the day away! The second day we walked a short distance to the beach and rented some fantastic chairs under a huge umbrella for the whole day. This cost us 35000 dong, about $1.67 ! Needless to say, we spent the day lounging there enjoying the hot weather and the water. On the last day, we paid $7.00 to go on a three islands boat tour. This was a huge disappointment for me. At the first island we paid extra to go into an aquarium but it was only mediocre, basically a bunch of fish tanks. On the second island we were supposed to stop for snorkel and swimming. Problem was, jelly fish and no real place to jump in! They expected you to jump in past a bunch of boats and it just seemed like more work than it was worth! Then we pulled into a floating fishing village to have lunch. This was a huge feast served on the floor of the roof! The food was good no complaints, except that I am not super awesome with the chop sticks yet! I ate as much rice as I could scoop up! After lunch we enjoyed some bad karaoke and were told we could swim out to "happy hour" at the floating bar! Sounds great right? Well, all I could think of were all those houses floating there and where was their sewer going? We all know the answer! So,I just couldn't bring myself to jump in, not even for a free glass of wine! the last stop was actually really good though! After paying an extra dollar we went to a nice beach with chairs in the shade. From here I did jump in and enjoy the water. That evening, we had dinner on the roof and I was in bed by 6:45 feeling a touch of sunstroke!

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