Monday 18 July 2011

The adventure begins!

This morning, I woke up at 5:00am to begin the long journey to Bangkok Thailand where my year long adventure is scheduled to begin. First stop was the Vancouver airport where we had a three hour layover before continuing on to Beijing. The flight from Vancouver to China was 10 hours and I was extremely happy to have a first class seat. I have never travelled first class before and was delighted by the level of service! The seat reclined to a full sleeping position and I was able to watch some good movies and then sleep. I am now waiting in the Beijing airport for the flight to Bangkok. It is now 3:46am in Red Deer so I have almost been traveling for a full 24 hours!

Leaving home was hard stuff! It is never easy to say goodbye to the people that care about you. When I plan these big trips, I never really think about the "leaving" If I did, I might well change my mind and stay home! Anyways, here we go!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. First class?!!? Oh la la! That's an experience in itself!
