Thursday 12 April 2012

Truck Clean -Felix Namibia

After Etosha, we went back to Windhoek for one night to sort out some insurance papers and got a bit derailed! One of the guys on the trip woke up in the night saying he needed to go to the hospital. So Kristy ( our fearless leader) took off at 5am to get the problem checked out. Turns out poor Sonny had an appendicitis and needed his appendix removed! Yikes, I'm sure glad that wasn't me! We ended up spending an extra night in Windhoek just to ensure his surgery went well and then we left him behind to recover. He'll be rejoining the tour in Cape town after 5 days of rest and recovery. the rest of us headed to a campground near the border with South Africa with one big mission...Clean the truck! The goal was to take all the pots, pans, walls, lockers and seats back to Shiny and new! After all, we have six new people joining in Cape town and we don't want them to have to come into four months of dust, soot and grime! Here it looks like the boys are playing drums but actually,they are banging dust out of our seats!

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