Thursday 5 April 2012

Namibia- Etosha National Park

Johanna and I took the overnight bus from Cape-Town to Windhoek Namibia to rejoin the truck. The bus ride was 23 hours! The seats were comfortable but the company (inter cape) uses "Christian Material" onboard. They warned us about this. I thought it would mean there would be a nice little prayer and we'd be on our way. Wrong! It turned out to be 6 to 8 hours of straight indoctrination. The movies all had a heavy Christian preachy theme and the anti-abortion adds were down right offensive. When we got to Windhoek we met up with our people and had a great night out at Joe's beer house. This was an excellent place to try game, like zebra, oryx, ostrich and kudu. I was not brave and ate chicken :)

Early the next morning we set off for Etosha National park and had one night in an absolutely beautiful bush camp. In the park, we got to do a game drive in our own truck and set out for a full day to see the animals! The park was excellent and the landscape was amazing with the Etosha pan dominating the area. I've heard this park is known for elephants but for us it was the lions and the rhinos that came out to play. We slept one night in the park at Okaukuejo. The campsite has a watering hole where the animals frequently come to drink within one city block of the cabins and tenting area. In the middle of the night I woke up to the sound of lions roaring!!! I was laying in my tent absolutely petrified and hoping we were well fenced in! About 5:30am we walked down to the watering hole to see a pride of lions hanging out, roaring away and eating something they had killed! Of course it was too dark to take any photos. While we were out on the game drive, a lion walked right in front of the truck! Here are some of the best photos from the day.

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