Tuesday 3 April 2012

Hugs from Home

After Kruger and the canyon, we went back to Johannesburg for one night before heading off to Durban. This evening turned into a beautiful moment that I'll remember forever. It seems the Universe always sends someone to check in on me when I'm away from home for extended periods of time. When I lived in France it was my Auntie Jean and cousins who came through Aix en Provence for a night. Oh how I appreciated those hugs from home! This time it was my other auntie Jean & uncle Bob who happened to be in Kruger national park on the same day as me! I looked for them amidst the wildlife but we didn't cross paths. However, in Johannesburg we were able to meet up and go out for dinner! What a surprise! We ate downtown on Nelson Mandela square, the food was excellent and the hugs from home were even better! It's amazing how a familiar face and a kind smile can give a person such a huge moral boost!

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