Sunday 22 January 2012

Togo-Fetish Market in Lome

Most of my first day in Togo was spent running from embassy to embassy chasing down visa forms and visa applications. We ran into many complications and had many wonderful people come along to help us out! At the end of the day, the four of us that were on embassy run headed out to Togo's fetish market. This market is meant to be the largest in West Africa, and vendors come from Benin and all over! The experience was unique to say the least and the energy of the place was strange but positive. Our tour guide, explained how the Voodoo priest uses all the odd dead animals to cure people of illness according to traditional methods. He ensured use that everything in they market place was for practicing white magic and that the market was here for the good intention of all people "black, white, yellow, asain" ( his words not mine!). Everybody who knows me well knows I'm into rocks and energy! Of course going into the market, I guarded myself against any ill will or negative energy but there was no need. As soon as I saw the "thunderstones" I knew I had to have one! So, in a small ceremony, the voodoo priest's son blessed the rock for me! This stone has amazing energy and the experience was phenomenal! I should also point out, it was a very cheap stone compared to others in my collection back home! Oh and that is a gorilla foot I'm holding!

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