Tuesday 26 July 2011


Today we travelled from Vientianne to Hanoi via Lao airlines. When we arrived at the airline to check in, they informed us we needed a visa in advance. Even though, when we booked the tickets they told us we could get the Vietnam visa on arrival at the airport in Hanoi. With two short hours before our flight was set to leave, we jumped in a taxi and went across town to the Vietnamese embassy. Amazingly enough, the nice man just shook his head at our stupidity and processed the visas in under 10 minutes. Then we jumped back in the cab and whipped back to the airport in time for the flight! When we got to the airport in Hanoi we book the next four days of entertainment and then paid way too much for a cab into town. We paid for a "Limo car" instead of hiring a real taxi since the guide books call the taxi drivers and car services the "extortionate mini-van mafia" and claim they run elaborate scams to take your money and deliver you to the wrong hotels on purpose to up the taxi fares. I'm sure we are overpaying for most everything, but things have been safe and efficient and so in a sense, we don't mind. We are now in a fancy hotel with a computer in the room, mini-bar and jacuzi style tub. Tomorrow morning we are off on a Halong Bay tour for two days.

When I have time there are many interestng cultural differences that I would like to write about. My mind has been over-run with "observations" of how things are different. I am fascinated by the differences in rules regarding safety. It is not uncommon to see a two-year-old sandwiched between two adults, standing up on a scooter that is zipping in and out of traffic. In Canada such things are illegal but I am certain these parents love thier children as much as we do and would not put them in harms way on purpose. Hmm... rules. How important are they? Do our rules "cleanse" our society and protect us from harm? Or, are we just a bunch of emotionally sheltered adults who are protected from certain tradgedies?   On a closing note, this trip has been fantastic so far. I am so gateful to be here and to have seen the things I have this past week. I don't anticipate interent access for the next few days. Next update will be after Halong Bay and Sapa.

1 comment:

  1. Holy that must have been stressful with the visas. Glad it worked out!
